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Q: How many atoms of beryllium are present in a room with the dimensions of 8 feet by 13 feet by 15.1 feet if a sample of air contains 12.8 micrograms per meter cubed?
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What is the same group of periodic table as magnesium?

Magnesium is present in group 2 of periodic table which also contains Beryllium, Calcium, Strontium, Barium and Radiium.

When a beryllium salts is dissolved in water what species are present in such a solution?

probably hydrated beryllium salts like BeCl2.H20

How many protons are present in atom of beryllium?

4 protons.

What group is beryllium in?

Beryllium is in the second group. It is an alkaline earth metal.

What elements are present in emeralds?

Can't someone tell me anything? This Answer thing is stupid!

How many different elements make up beryllium sulfite?

The elements in beryllium sulfite can be easily determined by looking at the formula. They are beryllium (Be), sulfur (S), and oxygen (O).

What is a beryllide?

A beryllide is an intermetallic compound of beryllium with another metal, present in some alloys.

What the name of group 2 on the periodic table?

The elements present in it are called alkaline earth metals. It contains beryllium, magnesium ....

Where does beryllium boroncarbonnitrogenoxygenfluorine and neon belong in periodic table?

All of these elements are present in period-2. They have 2 shells.

What tense is contains?

The word "contains" is in the present tense. It is the third person singular form of the verb "contain".

How many prontons are present in an atom Be-9?

Beryllium has four protons. Be9 also has five neutrons, for a total mass of 9.

What atmosphere contains the most ozone?

Stratosphere contains them most ozone. It is present as ozone layer.