1 cubic foot = 7.4805 US gallons
1 cubic foot -=6.2288 Imperial gallons
One cubic foot is equal to 7.4805 US Gallons, -6.2288 Imperial Gallons
1 cubic foot = 1728 cubic inches
1 US gallon = 231 cubic inches (by definition)
1 cubic foot = 1728/231 gallons = 576/77 gallons ~= 7.48 gallons
1 US gallon = 231/1728 cubic feet ~= 0.133681 cubic feet
Sample Water Bill Calculation
Note: . This refers to 100 cubic feet. If your bill says you used 10 ccf, that would be 1000 cubic feet, or almost 7500 US gallons.
Also: "Water bills" can also include other costs such as sewer and trash collection. Read your bill closely to determine exactly what you're paying for.There are approximately 0.67 cubic feet in a 5 gallon bucket and 7.35 cubic feet in a 55 gallon drum.
1 US gallon = 0.13368056 cubic feet
There are approximately 0.1337 cubic feet in a gallon of ethanol.
One gallon of water is equivalent to approximately 0.1337 cubic feet.
There are approximately 0.67 cubic feet in a 5-gallon pail.
One (1) Imperial gallon equates to 0.160544 cubic feet.
About 0.8021 cubic feet.
8.689 cubic feet.
3,366.23 cubic feet.
1.337 cubic feet.
One gallon of liquefied natural gas (LNG) is equivalent to about 0.136 cubic feet.
There are 7.48 gallons in one cubic foot. So, there are 0.13368 cubic feet per gallon