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50oF = 10oC

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Q: How many degrees in C is 50 degrees F?
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What is warmer 50 degrees c or 80 degrees f?

50 degrees c is warmer than 80 degrees f

Minus 50 degrees c equals how many minus f degrees?

(-50) degrees Celsius = -58 degrees Fahrenheit.

10 degrees C degrees F?

10° C would be equal to 50° F. The formula for converting C° to F° is to multiply the C° by 1.8, then add 32.

What is the degrees in Celsius if it is 50 degrees Fahrenheit?

50°F = 10°C(50°F - 32) multiplied by 5/9 = 10°C

How many degrees Fahrenheit is egual to 50 degrees celsius?

50ºC = 122.0ºFUse this formula to convert degrees Celsius (C) to degrees Fahrenheit (F): (C x 1.8) + 32 = F

What does 50 degrees Celsius?

50°C = 122°F

What is -50 degrees F into C?

50 degrees Fahrenheit = 10 degrees Celsius.

What is 50 degrees Fahrenheit on the Celsius scale?

Exactly 50°F is equal to 10°C The conversion formula is °C = 5/9 (°F - 32)

Is 50 degrees hotter on celsius or fahrenheit?

it is hotter on Celsius. 50 C = 122 F but 50 F = 10 C. the formula for this is (C X 1.8) + 32 to convert from C to F and F to C is (F-32)/1.8

What is the formula for c degrees to f degrees?

F = (1.8 * C) + 32 Example: Find Fahrenheit when Celsius = 10 F = (1.8 * 10) + 32 F = 18 + 32 F = 50 10 degrees Celsius is equal to 50 degrees Fahrenheit

50 degrees Centigrade is what temperature Fahrenheit?

50 Degrees, did you mean to say 50 degrees C is what temperature in Fahrenheit. then it(using the formula 9/5 x C +32 =F it is 122 degreesA temperature or an angle.

What is the temp in c if the temp is 122 f?

122 degrees Fahrenheit = 50 degrees Celsius[°C] = ([°F] − 32) × 5⁄9