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Q: How many dollar bills are in a 1935 monopoly game?
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In the game of Monopoly how many one dollar bills are you supposed to have?

Each player has 5 ones to start the game.

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How many 1 5 10 20 50 100 and 500 dollar bills in a monopoly game?

In the newer sets ther are 30 of each.

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What is the amount of money each player is given at the start of a Monopoly game?

According to my Monopoly rules, each player gets $1500 like this: 2 - $500 bills 2 - $100 bills 2 - $50 bills 6 - $20 bills 5 - $10 bills 5 - $5 bills 5 - $1 bills Happy playing! Here it goes: £1,500. Five £1 notes, one £5, two £10, one £20, one £50, four £100 and two £500. When playing Mega Monopoly, add one £1000 to the notes above.

What color is the twenty dollar bill in the game of monopoly?


Who invited the game monopoly?

Charles Darrow invented monopoly in 1935. He also invented many other games.

Total amount of money in a monopoly game?

A - Quantities and denominations found in standard editions of the MONOPOLY game: 30 $500 Bills (orange) , 30 $100 Bills (peach), 30 $50 Bills (light blue), 30 $20. Bills (light green), 30 $10. Bills (yellow), 30 $5. Bills (pink), 30 $1. Bills (white). Total amount of money per game = $20,580.

What color is the 20 dollar bill in the monopoly board game?


How many Monopoly houses green have built since the game was invented?

Over 5,120,000,000 little green houses have been "constructed" since the MONOPOLY® game was introduced in 1935.