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Q: How many even numbers are larger than 80 and less than 258?
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How many even numbers are less than 10?

An infinite number of even numbers are less than 10.

How many numbers less than 30?

There are infinitely many: 29, 28, 27, ... 1, 0, -1, -2, -3, ...If you only want non-negative numbers, there are also infinitely many, since there are infinitely many fractions in an interval of any size. And if you include real numbers, you get an even larger (a so-called "uncountable") infinity.

How many prime numbers less than 50 that are even numbers?

There is only one and it is 2

How many prime numbers less than 1000 are even?

One of them.

How many even numbers are less than 50?

If you include negative numbers, that's an infinite list.

How many prime numbers less than 50 are even numbers?

Only one number can be both even and prime, and that is the number 2.

How many even composite numbers are less than or equal to 100?

49 of them.

How many counting numbers less then 30 are composite but nei ther odd or even?

None of them. All counting numbers are either odd or even.

How many counting numbers less than 30 are composite but neither odd nor even?

None. All counting numbers are even or odd.

How many are born at one time?

It varies by species, from 1 to a dozen or more, and even larger numbers from eggs.

How many counting numbers less than 30 are either odd or even but not both?

All numbers are either odd or even, none are both, so less than 30 there are 29 counting numbers that are either odd or even but not both. (Assuming you mean starting to count with 1.)

How many integers less than 60 have an even number of factors?

All but the square numbers - 53 of them.