

Best Answer

"Acre" is a measure of the surface area. There's no such thing as "acre square".

And knowing the amount of surface area doesn't tell you anything about the shape

or dimensions of the area.

-- 1 acre is the name given to 43,560 square feet of area.

-- If that much area has the shape of a circle, its diameter is 235.5 feet.

-- If that much area is shaped like a square, then each side is 208.7 feet long.

-- But the acre of area doesn't have to be a circle or a square. It could be

an egg shape, a kidney shape, a kite shape, or a crescent moon shape.

-- It could be a long skinny rectangle, 1 foot wide and 8.25 miles long, and it would

still have one acre of area.

Your question concerns 1/2 acre. That's 21,780 square feet of area.

(It's also 2,420 square yards of area, or 3,136,320 square inches of area

if we want to get extreme about it.)

1/2 acre of area can be any shape you want. IF it's square, then each side

of the square is 147feet 6.97inches long.

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