

How many feet do bipeds have?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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Q: How many feet do bipeds have?
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Related questions

What are some bipeds?

Bipeds are animalsthat have 2 (two) feet

How many feet is a biped?

Bicycles have two wheels, bipeds have two feet.

How many legs do bipeds have?

Quad mean four, and ped means feet, so the answer is four.

What is having to feet like humans?

Animals with two feet are "bipeds"

What are creature with two legs is called a?

The are called bipeds. Bi= 2. peds= feet

What is australopithecus afarensis key capability?

They were Bipeds wich means they could walk on two feet.

Are hominids also called bipeds?

Hominids are also called Bipeds.

What does bipedalism mean?

The word biped is a noun. A biped is an animal that goes around on two feet.

How many legs should a human have?

Humans are bipeds, meaning that they have two legs.

How did habilis walk?

Homo habilis likely walked bipedally, meaning on two legs. This is based on the structure of their pelvis and leg bones, which show adaptations for upright walking. This early human ancestor is thought to have had a more efficient form of walking compared to other primates.

What would the word biped mean if ped means feet in latin?

Bi is a prefix for two, so then biped is two footed. For example, humans are bipeds

Words that begin with bi?

-bicycle -bipeds