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A triangular based pyramid (which is a tetrahedron) has 1 base,4 flatfaces, 6 edges and 4 vertices

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Q: How many flat faces and bases does a triangular pyramid have?
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How many flat surfaces does a pyramid have?

a pyramid with a triangular base has 4 faces. a pyramid with a square base has 5 faces.

Does a pyramid have a flat surface?

a pyramid with a triangular base has 4 faces. a pyramid with a square base has 5 faces.

What are faces of a triangular pyramid?

The faces are the flat, triangle-shaped surfaces that make up the surface of the pyramid. A pyramid has four faces.

Does a triangular pyramid have flat surfaces?

A triangular based pyramid has 4 flat faces, 6 edges and 4 vertices.

How many flat faces has a tretrahedon?

If you mean a tetrahedron then it is a triangular based pyramid with 4 flat faces

How many flat face of pyramid?

A pyramid can have 4 or more faces. A pyramid, with a n-sided polygon as base will have n+1 faces. The polygon with the least number of sides is a triangle and a triangular pyramid (tetrahedron) has 4 faces. A square based pyramid has 5 faces, and so on.

This shape has four flat triangular faces and one flat rectangular face what is it?

A pyramid

How many flat surfaces does a triangular pyramid have?

it has 0 curved faces

What is a 3d polygon with 4 flat faces called?

Triangular pyramid

A solid figure with four flat faces?

A pyramid has 4 flat faces, all of which are triangular. Don't confuse this with a square-based pyramid like those in Egypt, as they have 5 faces.

What 3D shape has 5 flat faces?

A pyramid * * * * * Or it could be a triangular prism.

What are the flat surfaces on a pyramid cube or triangular prism called?

They are called faces.