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Q: How many grains of dirt are in a sand dune?
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What natural phenomena creates sand dunes?

Wind erosion of rocks create sand grains. The wind blows these grains along until some of the grains gather in a sheltered spot. It is here that the accumulating sand grains begin to form the dunes. As more sand is blown up the dune and over the crest, so the dune appears to be slowly moving forward, down wind. It is why these fresh sand dunes are known a mobile dunes.

What is the top of a sand dune called?

the top of a sand dune is called the crest of the dune.

What is a sand hill in the desert called?

A hill of sand in a desert is normally referred to as a dune

Is sand dune a climate?

A sand dune is a landform, not a climate.

What is mound of sand piled up by the wind?

A mound of sand formed by wind blowing and moving the sand is called a sand drift. Sand drifts are common along the sea and the desert.

What is a sand dune in a quick description?

A sand dune is a pile of wind-blown sand.

Could a sand dune be the result of deposition?

A sand dune is the deposition of windblown sand.

What is a dead sand dune?

A sand dune that got blown away

Is a sand dune destructive or constructive?

A sand dune is a Constructive force.

Why does some dune sand squeak when you walk on it while other dune sand does not squeak?

The music is caused by friction from the sand grains rubbing against each other as we apply weight through our footsteps as we scoot our feet through the sand. However, there are certain conditions to be met. The type of sand that squeaks is usually a silicate, a feldspar, or a carbonate, the grains must be rounded (no sharp corners or edges), they should be around 300 micrometers in diameter, and they squeak best when they are dry (moisture on the grains acts as a lubricant, decreasing the friction).

What is a hill of sand formed by wind?

That would be sand dunes

What is a mound of sand piled up by the wind?

A Sand Dune, more specifically a "Seif Dune" or a "Barchan Dune".