I assume you are talkiing about during the regular season. I believe most teams give the players the day off following the game but they have somekind of team activity's that eat up about 10-12 hours a day for the rest of the week. game day is a little shorter but still requires a large portion of the day.
Also that isn't accounting for travel on road trips and most if not all pro and college teams require the players to check into a team hotel the night before all games, home and away. that way they can "keep an eye" on them and ensure they stay out of trouble and go to sleep at the correct hour.
That is a tough question to answer because of what all is involved in practice. Generally, NFL players practice plays 2-3 hours a day on the field but when you include meetings, film sessions, and players taking home film to watch at night in their 'spare' time the number of hours increases dramatically.
Yoooo whats up, well I know my cousin was playing football for his HS, and he used to train everyday, 3 hours, theatre 2.5 hours, and strength training 1.5 hours, that pretty hard dude, 2 days a week he has 2 trainings per day, and pre-season 12 hours a day (6+6), really hard work dude... Good Luck
During camp and before the season begins, teams practice more frequently. Multiple times per week and sometimes more than once perday. This is to develop new strategy, warm players up and incorporate the new players.
During the season, a lot of the technical details, startegy and players are up to par. Thus, teams only work generally practice a few days per week. This is generally just to prepare for the upcoming team, and players should already be accustomed to play and in shape.
For example: some teams ie. Philidelphia, will practice starting on Tuesday if they lose to a team (after the Sundays game) and continue for the week. If they win, players get a break until Thursday as a reward.
27 hours"
12 hours 12 hours
2 or 3 hours a week
it all depends really if you have a private practice or not but most pediatricians work 45 hours to 50 hours a week.
Tom says he practices for around 28 hours per week.
On average a veterinarian in private practice in the United States can expect to work 50-65 hours per week.
A physicians assistant usually works 40-50 hours a week. They have the potential to work overtime depending on the hours the practice is open.
If you want good players I would Suggest five days a week for two to three hours
high school 4 hours college 6 hours NBA 6 to 7 hours
The English Premiere League (EPL) has some of the best football players in the world. These players train at least 12 hours a week if not more.