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The answer is given after the list of "these" days.

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Q: How many hours and minutes of sun light are there on each of these days?
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How many hours would you work if you worked 5 days each week and for 7 hours and 45 minutes each day?

Convert everything to hours, then multiply the 5 days a week with the number of hours a day.

How many minutes is in 2.1 days?

1 day = 24 hours 3.1 days = (3.1 x 24) = 74.4 hours Each hour = 60 minutes 74.4 hours = (74.4 x 60) = 4,464minutes

How many Minutes are in 4 years?

Since each hour has 60 minutes and each day has 24 hours and each year has 365.25 days, 4 years is equivalent to 2,103,840 minutes.

How many days is 19494 minutes?

One day is 24 hours. Each hour is 60 minutes. 24*60 = 1440 minutes in a day 19494 / 1440 = 13.538 days■

How many days is 21573834 minutes how many days?

Each day has (exactly) 24 hours, each with (exactly ) 60 minutes. Therefore, each day has 24 X 60 equals (exactly) 1440 minutes. 21,573,834/1440 = 14,981.829 days, to the justified number of significant digits.

How many min are there in 37 days?

1 day is 24 hours, and each hour is 60 minutes. Each day, therefore, is 1440 minutes. 1440 * 37 = 4320 minutes ■

How long is 95 hrs?

95 hours is each of the following:3 days and 23 hours.5700 minutes.342,000 seconds.

How many minutes in December?

December has 31 days. Each day has 24 hours. Each hour has 60 minutes. Thus, the number of minutes in december is 31*24*60, or 44,640

How many hours would you work each week if you worked 5 days each week and for 7 hours and 45 minutes each day?

Each day, you work 7.75 hours. You work five days a week, so multiply this by five. You work 38.75 hours per week

How do you convert 120 years into minutes?

120 times 365.25 (days in an average year, approx) times 24 hours in each day times 60 minutes in each hour.

How many hours and minutes in eight days?

The question you ask is a little ambiguous, as I will explain. There are 24 hours in a single day. In 8 days, there are 8 lots of 24 hours. We can represent this using a multiplication : Hours in 8 days = 8 x 24 We can carry out this multiplication most easily by splitting 24 into two parts : 24 = 20 + 4 So we then get : Hours in 8 days = 8 x 20 added to 8 x 4 So we get 160 added to 32 which comes to 192 hours. So there are 192 hours in 8 days. The reason why I said your question was ambiguous is that there were no left over minutes - there are exactly 192 hours in 8 days. If you also wanted to know how many minutes there are in 8 days, then we should use another multiplication : Minutes in 8 days = minutes in 192 hours = 192 x 60 (60 minutes each hour) This is a more complex multiplication : There are 11,520 minutes in 8 days.

How many days in 10000 minutes?

We can use dimensional analysis the answer this question. The first thing we need to do is figure out how many minutes are in a day. To do this, we start with the fundamentals: 60 minutes per hour 24 hours per day We then use dimensional analysis: 10,000 minutes | 1 hour ___| 1 day --------------------|---------------|------------- ____________| 60 minutes | 24 hours (please ignore the underscores, as wikianswers erases excess spaces) Which translates to: 10,000 / 60 / 24 = 6.94444... days If you don't know what dimensional analysis is, the key thing is that if you divide minutes by minutes, they cancel each other out. So we have minutes * (hour / minutes) * (day / hours) The minutes and hours cancel each other out, leaving only the days.