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(number of sides -2)*180 = sum of interior angles

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Q: How many interior angles does a many sided polygon have?
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How many angles does a 10-sided polygon have?

A 10 sided decagon polygon has 10 interior angles that add up to 1440 degrees.

How many Angles does 10 sided Polygon have?

A 10 sided decagon polygon has 10 interior angles that add up to 1440 degrees.

A 13 sided polygon equals how many degrees for its interior angles?

A 13 sided polygon also called a triskaidecagon or tridecaogn has a total 1980 degrees for its interior angles.

How many degrees does a fifteen sided polygon have?

The interior angles of a fifteen sided polygon amount to 2340 degrees.

How many degrees are in a 13 sided polygon?

The interior angles of a 13 sided polygon add up to 1980 degrees

How many sided of polygon with 5040 degrees of interior angles?

30 sides

How many angles are there in 20-sided polygon?

There are 20 interior angles and they add up to 3240 degrees

How many degrees in the sum of the cc interior angles of a nine sided polygon?

A 9 sided nonagon has 9 interior angles that add up to 1260 degrees

How many interior angles in a heptagon?

A heptagon is a seven-sided polygon. It has seven interior angles. If it is a Regular polygon, each interior angle measures approximately 128.57 degrees, to a total of 900 degrees.

If the measure of one interior angle of a regular polygon is 108 how many sides does the regular polygon have?

A pentagon (five sided regular polygon) has interior angles of 108°.

How many degrees in an 11 sided shape?

The interior angles of an 11 sided polygon add up to 1620 degrees

How many degrees are in a 100 sided polygon?

The interior angles add up to 17640 degrees