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Power = V x A = 6 x 0.5 = 3 watts = 3 joules per second

dissipated by the lamp into the surrounding environment

in the form of heat and light.

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1mo ago

The power output of the lamp can be calculated using the formula P = V * I, where P is power (in watts), V is voltage (in volts), and I is current (in amperes). For the lamp with 6V and 0.5A, the power output would be 3 watts. One watt is equal to 1 joule per second, so the lamp is transferring 3 joules of electrical energy per second.

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Q: How many joules of electrical energy is transferred per second by 6V 0.5 A lamp?
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Power is always the time-rate of energy, i.e. the rate of change (or transfer) of energy with respect to time.If Energy is measured in Joules, then one Joule being transferred in one second is equal to one Watt of power.Electrical power is the time rate of change of electrical energy, P=dE/dt.Power = energy / timeIt usually referst to some type of energy transfer. In SI units:Watts = joules / second

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To calculate the energy in joules, you can use the formula: energy (joules) = power (watts) × time (seconds). If you have 1440 watts of electrical power and want to calculate the energy in joules for a specific time period, you would need to know the time duration in seconds.

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Power is expressed as joules per second. It is a measure of the rate at which energy is transferred or converted.

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Power is energy / time. In SI units, joules / second, also known as watts.

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100 joules/second = 100 watts.

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The energy used by a 40W bulb in one second is 40 Joules. This is because power is defined as the rate at which energy is transferred or converted, so if the bulb consumes 40W of power in one second, it uses 40 Joules of energy in that time period.

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This is called the power of the electrical device. Power is the rate at which energy is transferred or converted. It is typically measured in watts (W).

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Power represents the rate at which work is done or energy is converted. In this case, a power of 200 joules means that 200 joules of energy is being transferred or converted every second.

Is the length of time an electrical load is on proportional to power or energy?

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