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Q: How many kilograms of CO2 do 5 kilograms of dried tree correspond?
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How do you save dried up magnolia potted tree?

If the tree is dried up it is too late . If the soil is dry soak it and see what happens.

What is dried date?

fruit from a palm tree

Where do most dried fruits come from?

Most dried fruits come from regions with warm climates, such as the Mediterranean, Middle East, and California. Common sources include countries like Turkey, the United States, Iran, and Greece.

Why do leaves fall of the tree?

They get dried up from the temperature change and loose the ability to hold on to the tree.

How many trees make a textbook?

ON average about 6

Can you use tree bark to smoke foods?

If it is dried, yes, you can.

How are almonds dried?

They dry naturally as the fruit ripens on the tree.

Raw materials of oil palm tree?

if you mean palm tree oil, i think it is taken from dried seeds of the palm tree

How is paper tree genetically modified?

The paper tree was modified to have square leaves, that when dried can be used as paper.

How do you get dried tree boughs in ether saga online?

Well I'm not sure if this works for everyone but i found a dried tree bough when i beat the Warlords Wife which looks like a Knocknee Assassin

What happens if you plant a redwood tree in kansas or Missouri?

It could freeze and die, because of the climate

Do cloves come from tree nuts?

Cloves do not come from tree nuts. Cloves are the aromatic dried flower buds of a tree in the family Myrtaceae.