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Q: How many lines of symmetry are there in one of the five point stars?
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How many lines of symmetry does a four point star have?

it has five lines of symmetry

Do stars have 5 lines of symmetry?

Depends on if it is a five pointed star but if it is then yes.

Do polygons have to have one line of symmetry?

The number of lines of symmetry in a polygon corresponds to the number of sides it has. If a polygon has n sides, then its symmetry will be n lines of symmetry and it will have one point of symmetry. A pentagon has five lines of symmetry, nonagon has 9, n-gon has n lines of symmetry, so on and so forth.

Does a regular pentagon have any lines of symmetry?

YES!!! THere are five lines of symmetry. From any one point to the centre of opposite side. If drawn accurately all five lines should pass through the centre.

What shape has five lines of symmetry?

a pentagon has 5 lines of symmetry

How many lines of symmetry does a 5 sided star have?

five lines of symmetry :)

What polygon has 5 lines of symmetry?

A regular five sided pentagon has 5 lines of symmetry.

Does a pentagon have line symmetry?

In general, no. But it can have one or five lines of symmetry.

Show three lines of symmetry?

If your asking what shape has three lines of symmetry, your answer would be an equilateral triangle. You can tell how many lines of symmetry a shape that has all angles of the same measure has by looking at it's angles. Ex., pentagon has five angles--five lines of symmetry; octagon has eight angles, eight lines of symmetry; etc.

How many lines of symmetry on a pentagram?


How many lines of symmetry in the US Department of Defence Pentagon?

any regular pentagon has five lines of symmetry.

If a shape is a regular pentagon with five sides what must be true?

It has reflectional symmetry It has five lines of symmetry It is symmetrical