

How many mV in a V?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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11y ago

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1000mV in a V

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Q: How many mV in a V?
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If: p = mv Then: v = p/m

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The Roman numeral MV is equal to 1000 (M) + 5 (V) = 1005.

What is a mv?

elect m\v transformer

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Momentum is the product of mass M and motion V, p=MV. If V is small and mass M is enormous, then the product MV is still huge.

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5 mv is 14 dbmv.

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A strain gauge usually as a label on it indicating two things ,the range and so many mV/V output.If the range is 0 - 2 te and the mV/V is 1.5mV/V we then need to know the excitation voltage(V) of the instrument feeding the strain gauge.If the excitation voltage is 10 V then at the top end of the strain gauge (2te) the output of the strain gauge is 1.5mV X 10 =15mV.The mV output is indicated for it's range (2te) but is linear throughout the range therefor for half the range 1te the mV output is halved to 0.75 x 10 = 7.5mV.0te - 0mV0.5te - 3.75mV1te - 7.5mV1.5te - 11.25mV2te - 15mV

In roman numerals what would mv mean?

1005 m = 1000 v = 5

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p=mv where p is momentum, m is mass and v is velocity :)

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The gravitational energy mgh is equal to the kinetic energy 1/2 mv^2: mgh = 1/2 mv^2 such that 2gh=v^2 or v=square-root(2gh).

How do I convert dBmv to mv?

dBmv is defined as 20 log (V/1mV) where V is the voltage converted into dBmv if X = 20 log (V/1mV) then V= (1/20) Antilog (X)

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The MV in MV photon means megavolt