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A year has approximately 52 weeks. Just multiply everything together.

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How many days in a week month and year?

There are seven days in a week, 28-31 days in a month, depending on the year and month, and approximately 365.24 days in a year.

How many days are in a year How many days are in a week How many weeks are in a year?

365 days in a year (except leap years that have 366) The average is thus 365.25 days to a year but really there are close to 365.2422 7 days in a week 52 weeks + 1 day (sometimes 2) in a year

If you work 6 days a week how many days do you work in a year?

6 days per week x 52 weeks per year = 312 days per year

How many week days are there in February?

20 days not a leap year

How many days are in the year without weekends?

There are approximately 260 days in a typical year that aren't weekends. My math: 365 days / 7 days a week = 52.14 weeks 7 days in a week - 2 weekend days = 5 week days 52.14 * 5 week days = 260.71

How many days there are in a week?

it depends on wheather its leap year or not

If there is 365 days in a year and you do not work 2 days of the week how many days do you work?

260 days.

How many school days were there in the 1800s?

there were only 3 school days in a week and 153 days in a year

In a calendar there are 515 days and 12 days a week then how many odd days will be there in that year?

The parity (odd or even) of days depends on the number of days in a month - not the number of days in a week.

How many week days are in the month of February?

there are 4 weeks in the month of feburary as it has 28 days but in leap year it has 29 days and 5th week also

How many days do egyptians children go to school in a year?

I'm thinking 4 days a week

How many weeks are in a year 5 days a week?

260 da ys