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Q: How many milimiters are in 54 centimiters?
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Probably around 4.11

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How many cubic centimiters are there in a liter?

1000 cubic cm

How many centimiters does a kilometer have?

One hundred thousand. (100,000)

How many centimiters are in a kilometer?

There are: 1,000*100 = 100,000 cm

How many mm is in a metre?

1 meter = 1000 milimiters

How many milimiters are in an inch?

1 inch = 25.4 millimetres.

How many centimiters in 1 meter?

There are 100 centimetres in 1 metre.

How many cubic centimiters in 1 mililiter?

One. They are the same volume.

How many centimiters are in one inch?

1 inch = 2.54 centimetres

How many centimiters are in five meters?

500cm. 100 centimeters are in a meter