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Q: How many months out of a year do most conifers have green leaves?
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How many months do green leaves conifers?

Conifers typically have green leaves all year. 12 months.

How many months of the year do conifers have green leaves?

12. Most conifers are evergreens.

How many months of year do most conifers have green leaves?


How many months a year do most conifers have green leaves?


How many months in a year do most conifers have green leaves?


How many months of a year do most conifers have green green leaves?


How many months of the year do most conifers have green leaves?

All twelve ... why they're called "evergreens".

How many months do most conifers have leaves?

There are many of months that have leaves. Mostly the fall and the spring have lots of leaves.

How many months a year do most conifers have leaves?

they normally keep their leaves all year long due to the constant fertilization and moisture in the tree roots and the leaves

What is a plant that does not shed all its leaves at the same time in autumn?

A deciduous plant drops all of its leaves in the fall. A non-deciduous plant keeps most of its leaves throughout the year. Most non-deciduous temperate trees happen to be conifers but not all conifers are non-deciduous. Most tropical trees are non-deciduous.

What do deciduous and coniferous mean?

conifers: any tree that has thin leaves needles and produces cones. Many types are evergreen. Pines, firs, junipers, larches, spruces, and yews are conifers. deciduous:describes trees and bushes that shed their leaves in the fall.

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