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Q: How many numbers 1-101 are multiples of 3 and 4?
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Related questions

How many two digit counting numbers are either multiples of 2 or multiples of 3?

60 numbers

How many of these numbers are multiples of 3?

Multiples of 3 are easy to identify. Their digits add up to a multiple of 3.

How many two-digit counting numbers are either multiples of 2 or multiples of 3?

45 multiples of 2 plus 30 multiples of 3 minus 15 multiples of 6 equals 60 numbers

How many numbers between 10 to 50 are multiples of 3 and 5?

There are three numbers between 10 and 50 which are divisible by both 3 and 5. All numbers that are multiples of 3 and 5 are the multiples of the lowest common multiples (lcm) of 3 and 5 which is 15. The multiples of 15 between 10 and 50 are {15, 30 and 45}, thus there are 3 numbers.

How many 3 digit numbers are multiples of 5?


How many even numbers from 1to101 are multiples of 3?

16 of them.

How many 3-digit numbers are multiples of 18?

50 of them.

What numbers add to make multiples of ten?

There are infinitely many multiples of ten. There are infinitely many sets of 2, 3, 4, ..., infinitely many numbers that add up each one of the multiples of ten. It is, therefore, impossible to answer the question.There are infinitely many multiples of ten. There are infinitely many sets of 2, 3, 4, ..., infinitely many numbers that add up each one of the multiples of ten. It is, therefore, impossible to answer the question.There are infinitely many multiples of ten. There are infinitely many sets of 2, 3, 4, ..., infinitely many numbers that add up each one of the multiples of ten. It is, therefore, impossible to answer the question.There are infinitely many multiples of ten. There are infinitely many sets of 2, 3, 4, ..., infinitely many numbers that add up each one of the multiples of ten. It is, therefore, impossible to answer the question.

How many even numbers between 1 and 100 are multiples of 3?

There are 16 multiples of 6 in that range.

How many numbers between 1 and 100 (inclusive) are divisible by 3 or 10?

33 multiples of 3 10 multiples of 10 -3 multiples of both 40 total

How many numbers are there from 1 to 101 that are multiples of 3 and are even numbers?

There are 16 numbers from 1 to 101 that are divisible by 3 and are even.

How many multiples of three are there from the numbers 1-100?