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Q: How many numbers between 100 and 600 have a 3 for at least one of the digits?
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How many numbers are there between 100 000 and 125 000 where the digits are in order from least to greatest no digits can be repeated?

I think its more then 20

How many whole numbers between 1 and 100 use the digits 6 at least once?

19 do.

How many numbers are there between 100000 and 125000 where the digits are in order from least to greatest?

Only one. 123456.

How many whole numbers between 1 and 100 use the digits 9 at least once?

Twenty of them from 9 to 99

How many digits between 1 and 1128?

There are 6484 digits BETWEEN the two given numbers.

How many numbers are between 100000 and 125000 where the digits are in order from least to greatest no digit can be repeated?

There is only one number and that is 123456.

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How many such pairs of digits are there in number 36725918 each of which has as many digits between them in the number as when the digits are arranged in descending order within the numbers?

The number is: 36725918 In descending order that is: 98765321 The pairs of numbers that have as many digits between them in both are: 3,9 5,8 6,7 So there are three pairs.

How many digits are there between 31 and 400?

The sum of the number of digits in all the numbers between 31 and 400 inclusive is 1041.

How many numbers of at least tree different digits can be formed from the integers 123456?

Numbers formed should be of at least 3 digits means they may be of 3 digits, 4 digits, 5 digits or 6 digits. There are 6 choices for digit in the units place. There are 5 and 4 choices for digits in ten and hundred’s place respectively. So, total number of ways by which 3 digits numbers can be formed = 6.5.4 = 120 Similarly, the total no.of ways by which 4 digits numbers can be formed = = 360. the total no. of ways by which 5 digits numbers can be formed = = 720. The total no.of ways by which 4 digits numbers can be formed = = 720. So, total no.of ways by which the numbers of at least 3 digits can be formed = 120 + 360 + 720 + 720 = 1920.

How many whole numbers between 100 and 400 have the sum of their two digits equal to another digits?

I believe here are 51 such numbers.