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Two pairs.

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Q: How many parallel sides are on a rectangle?
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How many parallel sides does an rectangle have?

There are two sets of parallel lines in a rectangle, which is to say each of the two sides are parallel to each other.A rectangle has two set of parallel sides

How many parallel sides does a rectangle have?

it has 2 pairs of parallel sides

How many pairs of parallel sides does a regular rectangle have?

It has 2 pairs of parallel sides

Are all sides in a rectangle parallel?

Yes opposite sides are parallel in a rectangle

Are rectangle sides parallel?

Its opposite sides are parallel.

How many of pairs are parallel sides in a rectangle?

There are 2

How many pairs of parallel sides are in the rectangle?


How many pairs of parallel sided does a rectangle have?

It has 2 pairs of parallel sides

How do you put Parallel in a sentence?

A square has parallel sides. A rectangle has parallel sides.

Does a rectangle have four parallel sides?

It has two pairs of parallel sides.

Has exactly pair of parallel sides?

A square, rectangle and parrelleogram have parallel sides.

Does a rectagle have no parallel sides?

A rectangle has 2 parallel sides- the two longest sides are parallel with each other, as are the 2 shortest sides.