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Q: How many parellel does a trapazoid has?
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Does a trapazoid has any parellel sides?

A trapezoid has one pair of parallel sides.

Does trapizoid has one pair of parallel sides?

yes it does have ONE pair of parellel sides (check grammar, it should be "does *a trapazoid *have one pair of parellel sides"?

What quadrilateral Have at least one pair of parellel sides?

A square.Or even a rectangle.A hexagon.and many others have at least one.but if your question is what quadrilateral shape has ONLY one.then ur answer is a Trapazoid.

How many right angles are on a trapazoid?

there are 0 right angles in a trapazoid

How many degrees is a trapazoid?

a: 360

How many angles does a trapazoid?


How many vertices does a trapazoid have?


How many lines of symmetry does a trapazoid have?


How many parallel lines does a trapazoid have?


How many faces does a trapazoid have?

It has one face.

How many symmetry does a trapazoid have?

In general, none.

How many lines of rotational symmetry does a trapazoid have?
