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Q: How many pounds of pepper equal a bushel?
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How many pounds equal a bushel?

It depends on what you're measuring. For example, a bushel of corn weighs around 56 pounds, while a bushel of soybeans weighs around 60 pounds.

A bushel is how many kilos?

Bushels are now most often used as units of mass or weight rather than of volume!!!! Wheat and Corn are measured by the Bushel! One Bushel of Wheat is equal to 27.21829069134458 Kilos! One Bushel of Corn is equal to 25.39998628400741 Kilos!

A bushel of wheat is how many kilos?

According to the US law, one bushel of wheat is 60 pounds, and 60 pounds equal roughly 27.2 kilograms.

How many pounds in bushel of okra?

3 1/2 pounds in a bushel Metta

How many pounds of corn equal a gallon?

The typical weight of feed corn (#2 yellow dent corn) is 56 pounds per bushel. By volume, there is about 8 gallons in a bushel. Thus there is 7 pounds in a gallon of corn.

How many peach baskets are in a bushel?

A bushel is determined by weight not by the number. The weight for a bushel of pears is 50 pounds and a bushel of peaches is 48 pounds.

How many pounds in a half bushel?

. . . is that a bushel of feathers, a bushel of cotton, a bushel of wheat, or a bushel of lead pellets? (A bushel is a volume, not a weight.)

How many pounds are in a bushel of okra?

A bushel of Okra weighs 26 pounds.

How many pounds of barley in a bushel?

48lbs of barly is in one bushel

How many pounds are in a bushel of pears?

About 50 pounds

How many pounds of peppers in a bushel?

25 pounds

How many pounds in a bushel of sunflower?

about 32 pounds