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there are 12 black and 20 white pentagons.

the shape is a pentagon and there are 32 shapes on a soccer ball.

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Q: How many shapes are in soccer and what shapes?
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Can soccer balls be in different shapes?

No. A soccer ball is round.

What shapes are on a soccer ball net?

There are squares on a soccer ball net

What shapes does a soccer ball have on it?

It's a pentagon i think.

How many pentagons and hexagons does a soccer ball have?

It need not have any. Like tennis balls, they can be made up of non-polygonal shapes.

Why are the shapes on a soccer ball either pentagons or hexagons?

They have a few pentagons on it.

How many sides has a Soccer Ball?

These days, soccer balls are fancy. Some dont have sections.

What 3-d shapes have square bases?

There are infinitely many such shapes. There are infinitely many such shapes. There are infinitely many such shapes. There are infinitely many such shapes.

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soccer! Soccer is very aggressive and really people of all shapes and sizes can play it. But basketball and football are very fun sports but my final answer is soccer. :)

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There are infinitely many rectangular shapes.

What other shapes are there?

There are infinitely many shapes, in infinitely many dimensions.

How many shapes have an area of 5 and a perimeter of 12?

There are infinitely many shapes.

How many shapes are there including human animal and plant shapes?

Near enough infinitely many. There are million of shapes for snowflakes, alone.