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A Henagon has 1 side

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Q: How many sides does a henagon have?
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How many corners does a henagon have?

A henagon has 0 sides.

What shape has the least number of sides?

A henagon has one sides, and a cirle has over 999999999999999999 sides so yeah.

What is a one sided shape called?

it is called a henagon is a one sided shape

What is a henagon?

Ingeometry a henagon (or monogon) is a polygon with one edge and one vertex. It has Schläfli symbol {1}. Since a henagon has only one side and only one interior angle, every henagon is regular by definition. In Euclidean geometry, a henagon is usually considered to be an impossible object, because its single edge would extend to infinity. However, in spherical geometry a finite henagon can be drawn by placing a single vertex anywhere on a great circle. Two henagons can be used to construct a dihedron on a sphere, with Schläfli symbol, {1,2}.

What are the shapes that have sharp angles?

I guess shapes that have few sides have sharper angles for instance a triangle has very sharp corners whereas a henagon has corners but they are very rounded.

What does a henagon look like?

it looks like this -

What do you call a one sided shape?

a monogon or henagon

Can you name all shapes up to 12 sides?

henagon (or monogon) 1digon 2triangle (or trigon) 3quadrilateral (or tetragon) 4pentagon 5hexagon 6heptagon 7octagon 8enneagon (or nonagon) 9decagon 10hendecagon 11dodecagon 12

What is the name of a 21 side polygon?

The term for a 21 sided polygon is an icosikaihenagon. Icosi is the Greek for the numerical 20 and henagon means 1.

Name of a 11 sided 3D shape?

a henagon is an 11 sided 2-D shape and a 3-D is called an hendecahedron.

What is a 1 and 2 sided shape called?

a one sided shape is called a henagon and a 2 sided shape is called a digon

Names of polygons with 21 sides to 60 sides?

You can either call them by n-gon for n sides (i.e. 21-gon) or combine a prefix and suffix (i.e. Icosikaihenagon). No. of No. of Sides Name Prefix Name Suffix Sides 20 Icosikai... ...henagon 1 30 Triacontakai... ...digon 2 40 Tetracontakai... ...trigon 3 50 Pentacontakai... ...tetragon 4 60 Hexacontakai... ...pentagon 5 70 Heptacontakai... ...hexagon 6 80 Octacontakai... ...heptagon 7 90 Enneacontakai... ...octagon 8 ...enneagon 9 source: