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About 10,200,000 square kilometres

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Q: How many square kilometers of land make up the continent of Europe?
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What is the total land area of Europe in square miles and in square km?

Europe -Square miles: 3,930,000Square kilometers: 10,180,000

The biggest continent area?

Asia is the largest continent. Asia's land area is approximately 44,579,000 square kilometers.

How many square miles of land make up the continent of Europe?

100,058,095.33 3,930,000 square miles

Which is the third largest continent in terms of land area?

North America. 24,247,039 Square Kilometers.

What two continents have the greatest land mass?

The two continents with the greatest land mass are Asia and Africa. Asia is the largest continent with an area of approximately 44.58 million square kilometers, while Africa is the second largest continent with an area of about 30.37 million square kilometers.

Which continent has more land than Europe or Asia?

Asia is the largest continent, it has more land than Europe.

The Sudan is the country with the largest land area on what continent?

Africa. Sudan has an area of 2376000 square km then DRC Congo with an area of 2267000 square kilometers

What is the largest Eastern European nation?

Russia is the largest country in Europe with a total area of 17,098,242 square kilometers. Despite being a transcontinental country, about 4,000,000 square kilometers of Russian territory is in Europe, still making it the largest country in Eastern Europe, and all of Europe, by far. The Ukraine is the largest country wholly in Europe, with a total land size of 603,628 square kilometers. It is an Eastern European nation.

What is the land mass of the US in kilometers?

US has a landmass of approx. 9.6 million sq km. It is the fourth largest country in the world. See link below: United States -

What is the total land mass in square kilometers of Bolivia?

the land mass in bolivia is about 1,098,581 square kilometers

Which continent has more land Africa or Asia?

The last time I checked Asia was approx. 17,212,000 square miles. And Europe is approx. 3,930,519 square miles. That would make Asia 13,281,481 larger than Europe. Another way to do this would be to look at a map of the world, locate Asia and Europe and compare them together.

To which continent does greendland belong?

Greenland is located on the North American continent. The capital of Greenland is Nuuk. Its total land area is 2,166,086 square kilometers.