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The left 7 represents 700. The right 7 represents 70. The left '7' is 10 times greater than the right '7'.

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Q: How many times greater is the encircled digit at the left than the encircle digit at the right 7 are both encircle 1776?
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In the decimal place value system, each digit is ten times bigger than the digit on its right

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Is 135.5 greater than 135.05?

Yes it is. The digit directly to the right of the decimal point is higher (a 5 compared to a 0), so 135.5 is greater.

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For now, I'll assume for simplicity that the numbers are positive. The number with the greatest amount of integer digits (before the decimal point, if any) is larger. If both numbers have the same number of integer digits, compare each digit in turn until you find one digit that is different. The number with the largest digit in this place is larger. Examples: 1234 is greater than 430, because it has more digits. 125 is greater than 117, because in the first digit they differ (second position from left), it has the greater digit. 0.007 is greater than 0.0009, because in the third digit to the right of the decimal point (the first digit where they differ), it has the greater digit (7 is greater than 0).

How do you decide which of two numbers is greater when both numbers are positive?

If x - y > 0, then x is greater than y.The greater positive number is the one further from zero.Which number is greater can be worked out on a digit by digit basis:To compare numbers starting with the highest place value column compare the digits, moving right a place value column until either all digits have been considered or one digit is higher than the other - the number with the higher digit is the greater number. (If a place value column is empty, its digit value is 0).