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for a man it's 21unit a week and for a woman it's 14unit

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Q: How many units can a women drink per week?
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How many units of alchol can a women have a week?

1 4 units for woman in aweek is the recommended amount according to the bbc news website

What does alcohol damage in your body?

Alcohol is a depressant which alters your behaviour and slows down the nervous system. It highly damages your liver and your brain by slowing the nervous systems. There is a specific amount that people should take when drinking alcohol. Men are allowed to drink 21 units a week, whilst women can only drink 14 units a week.

How many units of alcohol for women per week?

Beer in reasonable amounts is healthy but you should supposedly not drink more then 15 beers a week, according to most popular belief that is the line between a normal person and a possible alcoholic.

What Will 56 units of alcohol per week in a woman do to her liver?

any excessive drinking in man or woman will damage your liver, the amount varies person to person, and will also depend on how this quantity is consumed if you spread it out over the whole week it will do much less damage than if you drink it all once a week, I believe the "healthy" consumption amount is around 7-12 units per week (i.e. 1-1.4 units per day)

How many units of alcohol should a woman have weekly?

14 units for a woman per week

How much do government advise is safe to drink each week for adults?

The government states that adults can safely drink 2 to 3 units a day if they are a woman and 3 to 4 units if they are a man. That equals a glass of wine for a woman and a pint of beer for a man.

What is the limit of alcohol?

Weekly recommendations: No more than 14 units for women and 21 units for men - explained more easily below:Female0-5 unitsThe equivalent of a glass of wine after work - this is a relatively safe level to drink. However even low levels of alcohol intake have been linked to breast cancer.5-10 unitsYou are heading towards the upper limit for women. Make sure that you have at least one clear alcohol free day during the week.10-15 units14 units per week is the medically recommended alcohol level for women. Try and cut back on your alcohol intake say by having mineral water rather than wine with a meal.15+ units This is over the medically recommended alcohol level for women. You should consider cutting back your alcohol intake by looking back over each week and judging your drinking habits. Is it two glasses of wine after work - or a Friday night binge? Cut it down.Male0-5 unitsThis is a relatively safe level of alcohol to drink per week.5-10 units 10 units per week is roughly the equivalent of a pint a day after work. If you can keep your alcohol intake at this level, then this is relatively safe.10-15 units This level of drinking is still under the medically recommended limit of 21 units of alcohol per week for men. However, make sure that you have at least one clear alcohol free day per week.15-20 units Still within the recommended limits for men - but only just. You should consider cutting back your alcohol intake by looking back over each week and judging your drinking habits?20+ 21 units per week is the recommended alcohol intake for men. If you are approaching, at or above this level - it's time to think about cutting down.

How many units of alcohol is one person allowed in one week?


How many 8 ounces cans of sprite does george drink in a week?

too many

How many units should a male drink?

It is considered by experts in this matter that 12 units is maximum. It is recommended that they be taken over 4/5 days with 2/3 'dry' days between. No,you can't save them up for that party on Saturday.

How many soft drink bottels a week you can drink not effecting health?

50,000 is an ok start technically you can drink 75,000 every 90 min.

How many people drink coca cola every week?

Over 9000!!