

Best Answer

In European Leagues,

10 wins + 2 draws

9 wins + 5 draws

8 wins + 8 draws

and so on to

1 win + 29 draws

0 win + 32 draws.

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Q: How many ways are there to score 32 points in football?
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Safety (tackling the ball carrier while being in his own endzone) and PAT (Point After Touchdown), I think.

Does 2-15 in Gaelic football mean what were the names of the 2 teams of 15?

No. It is the score of one team. There are two ways of scoring in Gaelic Football. They are goals, by getting the ball into the net. A goal is worth 3 points. The other way is to score a point, by hitting the ball over the crossbar. The scores are often given showing both the amount of goals scored and the amounts of points scored, rather than the overall total. 2 - 15 means 2 goals and 15 points. That would be a total of 21 points.

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Four ways to score on a football field?

In the NFL there are different ways to score. For example, there is the touchdown where a team makes their way down the field to score in the endzone.(Worth 6 points) There is the extra point(s) after that a team may or may not acquire whether it be a field goal(Worth 1 point) or a two point conversion(Worth 2 points). There is just a field goal(Worth 3 points) which a team can get if they cannot for whatever reason score in the endzone. There is also a safety(Worth 2 points) that a team can get if they manage to back up any players of the opposing into their own endzone and bring them down to their knees with the ball in hand or gets them to go out of bounds.

How many ways are there to score twenty-one points in a football game?

Touchdown - 6 Point after Touchdown - 1 Two-Point Conversion - 2 Field Goal - 3 Safety - 2

Can you score a field goal without a touchdown in the NFL?

Scoring a field goal in American football cannot be done in conjunction with a touchdown. They are two independent ways of scoring. You may have meant can you score an "extra point" without a touchdown. In American football, extra points (1 or 2 depending on type of play), can only happen in conjunction with a touchdown. In Canadian football, they may be scored under circumstances not related to a touchdown.