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It is different because you do not need a ruler or anything to count. It is also much more accurate.

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11y ago

Measurement- the length or width of something Counting- when you count numbers

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Q: How measurement is differ from counting?
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What is the difference between counting and measuring?

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Measurement is not possible without numbers and:A number is a mathematical object used in counting and measuring.

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What is a measurment standard defined as?

In science, measurement is the process of obtaining the magnitude of a quantity, such as length or mass, relative to a unit of measurement, such as a meter or a kilogram. A measurement answers the general question, "how many?", as in how manymiles, or millimeters, or gigahertz. As measurement is basically about counting, measurement is conducted in numbers and is quantitative, in comparison to other observations which may be made in words and are qualitative. The term measurement can also be used to refer to a specific result obtained from the measurement process.

How does a measurement differ from a number?

There are no standards of measurements. A measurement is an approximation or an estimation of an exact value. A number is an exact value such as one pencil or two cars.

What is the average size 8 hip measurement?

It's around 35 inches, but will differ person to person.