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This guilt can cause them to confess

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Q: How might guilty feeling lead to positive results?
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Is zero positive?

No. Zero is neither positive nor negative. You might think of it as being neutral.

Can a rational number be positive?

a rational number is any number that can be expressed as p/q where p and q are both integers. Since integers can most definitely be positive-- you might know them as the set of Natural numbers-- then yes, a rational number can be positive.

Is there a greatest positive integer?

No. The positive integers are {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...}. They start at 1 (which is the least positive integer) and progress forever (to infinity). There is no end to the positive integers, so there is no greatest positive integer. Another way to look at it might be to think of any really large integer (a "counting" or "whole" number) and add one. That will create a "next bigger" large number. You can continue to do this infinitely many times.

Positive and negative effects of emigrants?

The positive effect could be that maybe they really like they're new country and they might get adapted to it but some negative effects would be that some people just can't adapt and maybe they cant speak the new foreign language.

Why is a positive times a negative always a negative?

It might be clearer if you think of it this way: Multiplication is repeated addition. 2 x 3 is the same as 3 + 3. They both equal 6. 2 x -3 is the same as -3 + -3. They both equal -6. In the first case, you are increasing the amount of positive things. The answer will be positive. In the second case, you are increasing the amount of negative things. The answer will be negative.

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When your man explains where he was at when you did not ask?

He might have been feeling guilty and tried to tell you. He might of also been feeling scared. Maybe he did somethimg he regreted.

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You might be able to find a girl in running shorts at your local park. But I am feeling a little guilty giving you advice on something that gives me a feeling of pedophilia/creepiness.

Distilled water does not contain any of the organic compounds. What might any positive results with distilled water indicated?

Distilled water is when it is just h2o, any positive results would man that it was not/is not distilled.

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yes, he was guilty. This information might not

How do you get over the guilty feeling after getting caught with your boyfriend on you even though he was not doing anything and now you are in trouble?

There is nothing you can do about the past, so the best way to get over the guilty feeling is to do some honest self examination. Do you feel guilty because he was on top of you or because you got caught with him on top of you and got in trouble? Do you personally believe it was wrong for him to be on top of you or do you feel guilty because you displeased and/or disappointed whoever caught you? Though those questions might sound frivolous, they will help you to sort out where you personally stand on the issue, and also help pinpoint where the guilty feeling is coming from. That should enable you to better overcome the guilty feeling. You should also think about what your boyfriend being on top of you could lead to, especially if you were "making out." It's no fun to be in the position of deciding what to do if things should go too far and you become pregnant or to get an STD. Understanding yourself and where the guilty feeling is coming from should help ease the feeling, but there is one more step. That is, realize that you can do nothing to change the past and set your goals to do better in the future, always remembering that high standards in every area of life have great benefits in the future.

Which is proper grammar Guilty about or guilty of?

You can feel 'guilty about' doing something, but you are 'guilty of' a crime (or of any other action which might be deemed wrong in some way).

Does tenacious have a negative connotation?

In my opinion TENACIOUS has a positive connotation. It tells about the quality of the person to puruse something without getting disappointed and without getting stalled by negative feeling, nil results and opposition. The negative feeling might ....just might be, of the person who is tenacious is pursuing something against your will. For eg. If you are a boss and fire a person and the person persistently follows various methods to get re-instated like...talking to higher bosses, asking other employees to support him, getting the union's help and perhaps even purusing a lawsuit in court and taking the help of church.................the person is tenacious, but it is not something you as a boss might like. Persistence has a more positive connotation that tenacious.

What is the result of letting animals overgraze in an area?

The results of overstocking or overcrowding on animal production can be either positive or negative. The negative results might be dominant since the animals will be congested. They are forced to compete for resources and if there is an outbreak of a disease they might all be affected.

What is a feeling you might have in French class?

the answer is "senti" meaning "feeling" in French!

What it means if your bf doesn't like looking at your face?

as in boyfriend or best friend? boyfriend: its so over! or there might be a perfectly good reason for it. just ask. or he is feeling guilty about something he/she did behind you back. best friend: now there has to be some sort of explanation for that one, maybe they are feeling guilty of something they did behind your back (same as boyfriend). just ask. "why have you been avoiding to look at me in the face when I'm talking to you?" Or have you just done something to your face lately?

Is feeling gassy which results is burping along with feeling nauseous a sign of pregnancy?

Not necessarily, however the following symptoms might be the only signs of telling you whether or not you might be pregnant. Who knows, you could just have quite an upset stomach. missed menstrual period nausea extreme fatigue frequent urination tender breasts headache heartburn constipation spotting feeling faint Its normally the other way around.

How might communication express how someone is feeling and how might this affect others?

Express how some one is feeling and how could this affect others