

How much area is 165 sq ft?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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10y ago

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Approx 15.33 sq metres.

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Q: How much area is 165 sq ft?
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16.5 ft by 10 ft = 165 sq ft = 15.3 sq metres (approx).

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165 Sq .ft and 133 Sq.ft . I cant under stand Ft means foot or feet. If I take Foot convert the 165 by 133 whatever you get answer then multiply 144.what you getting multiply answer then divided to 165. if I take feet then you first multiply 165 into 163 whatever you got the answer then you divide by 163

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It is not entirely clear what the question is asking but the areas can be configured as80000 sq ft = 400 * 200 sq ft leaving an area of 400 * 200 sq ft, then 40000 sq ft = 400 * 100 sq ft leaving an area of 400 * 100 sq ft, then 10000 sq ft = 100 * 100 sq ft leaving an area of 300 * 100 sq ft, then 5000 sq ft = 100 * 50 sq ft leaving an area of 250 * 100 sq ft.

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1460 sq ft is the area.

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11 ft X 15 ft = 165 sq ft

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90 sq ft covers an area 15 ft x 6 ft

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15 ft * 11 ft = 165 sq ft = 15.3 sq metres (approx).

What is smaller an area of 1sq ft an area of 64 in?

The question as it is posed is not able. The question compares a length (64in) with an area (1 sq ft). If the intended question is 'What is smaller an area of 1 sq ft or an area of 64 sq in', then 64 sq in is the smaller since 1 sq ft is 144 sq in.

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10 acre = 435600 sq ft So, if it is 165 ft wide, it must be 435600/165 = 2640 ft deep.

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18 ft * 16 ft = 288 sq feet