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Well, honey, the cost of making lollipops can vary depending on the ingredients and equipment you use. On average, it can range from a few cents to a couple of dollars per lollipop. But hey, if you're looking to start a lollipop empire, just remember that quality ingredients and a killer recipe are worth the investment.

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7y ago

The answer depends on which country you live in. In some countries a lollipop is a water ice - an "icecream" without cream, made from sweet flavoured and coloured water. In other countries, it is a kind of candy - a coloured and flavoured sugar confectionery.

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Who is the maker of lollipops?

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You can make Halloween lollipops out of different things. You can use chocolate or cookie dough, or you can decorate preexisting lollipops using materials like tissue paper or pipe cleaners.

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There are some really great recipes to make homemade halloween lollipops. Here are a few links for them, and

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It makes lollipops

What companies make lollipops?

There are many companies that make lollipops. Such companies include Dum Dum, Tootsie Pops, and Blow Pop. Any local candy store would typically carry a variety of lollipops from many different brands.

How do you make homemade lollipops?

if i were you i would not go out and buy some instead of wasting your time in buying bad for health lollipop make them better making little lollipops that would be lot better for you

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they had smart people who made it with teddy bears and lollipops

Do eating lollipops make you think better?

No. A lollipop is just sugar.

Why did the Japanese tokugawa shogun control the daimyo?

To make them eat lollipops

How do Sees Candies chocolate lollipops stay hard when chocolate normally melts?

The lollipops don't melt because they don't have as much wax as the chocolate candies.

Do lollipops contain alcohol?

Lollipops do not contain alcohol.