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The answer depends on the efficiency of the vehicle in miles per gallon, as well as the price of gasoline. An average automobile goes 20 miles on a gallon of gas. Divide distance by efficiency (1000 miles divided by 20 miles per gallon results in 50 gallons.) If gas costs $3 per gallon, then the fuel used by this car to travel 1000 miles would cost $150 and you would need to fill up twice. If you drive a hybrid at 33 miles per gallon, the cost would be $90 (one tank of gas used). If you drive a truck or SUV at 10 miles per gallon, the cost would be $300 with four fill-ups.

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Q: How much gas money for a 30 gallon car going 1000 miles?
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29 miles per gallon on a 25 gallon tank is 25*29 = 725 miles per tank. So one [partial] fill will be enough.

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1000 miles / 10 miles/gallon = 100 gallons * 4 $/gallon = $400

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(1,000 miles) x (1 gallon/20 miles) x ($4/gallon) = $4,000/20 = $200

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58.823 Gallons

How many tanks of gas for a 18 gallon tank if trip is 1000 miles?

You forgot to mention what the miles per gallon is.If you only get 1 mpg, that is 1000/18 55.5555 tank fulls.You forgot to mention what the miles per gallon is.If you only get 1 mpg, that is 1000/18 55.5555 tank fulls.

How much should it take to drive 1000 miles if you get 20 miles per gallon?

1000/20=50 50 gallons.

If gas is 2.77 per gallon and your van gets 27 miles to the gallon how much would it take to go 1000 miles?


How much would it cost to drive 1000 miles at 25 mpg at gas costing 3.00 a gallon?

1000 miles @ 25 mpg = 1000/25 = 40 gallons. 40 gallons @ 3.00 gallon = 40*3.00 = 120.00

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it depends on how much the gas is

How much will gas cost if you travel 1000 miles?

It depends on your vehicle's gas mileage and the current price of gas. Say you have a 10 gallon gas tank and get 22 miles per gallon. You have 220 miles to the tank. 1000 miles to travel, and an average $2.50 per gallon of gas 1000 miles / 220 miles = 4.55 tanks of gas 4.55 tanks of gas * 10 gallon gas tank = 45.5 gallons 45.5 gallons * $2.50 per gallon of gas = $113.64 Put in your own values for price and mileage to figure it out for your own car.

How much does it cost to drive 1000 miles and gasloline is 3.00 per gallon?

Not enough information to answer.... You haven't told us how many miles per gallon the vehicle does !