Well, first get one of the Breyer guidebooks, and find the price of the object(s) you are trying to sell. Then, subtract the amount you think is for right for the amount of dings on it. Here's a tip; how much would you pay for your Breyer?
No,they sell them in alot of places,but not there.
You can get a lot of cheap, durable, breyer horses and accessories on Ebay because horse land is quite deer, and the horse land i go to doesn't even sell breyer items.
Noooo... probably not. They only sell Breyer horses at local tack shops and maybe some toy stores. But don't worry, there's always E Bay!
Go to breyerhorses.com and enter your zip code. It hasn't been updated in a while, so call the stores first. Also, go to modlehorsesalespages.com and make an account. It is a good way to buy/trade/sell models.To find Breyers, you can use the Breyer website's Store Locater (see related link below) to find Breyer Horse retailers in your area. There are many stores throughout the US that carry a limited selection of Breyer Horses. For the best selection, you're going to want to go to the Internet. Do a google search on "Breyer Horses" and you find a number of reputable merchants. For the best prices on Breyer Horses, I recommend LookAGiftHorse.com
Breyer toy horses are made from a type of plastic. More specifically they are made from cellulose acetate. They are most well known for their horses, however, they also sell other toy animals.
There might be some at your local White Elephant. You'll find a huge selection on the Internet. Simply do a google search on "Breyer Horses" and you'll find a number of reputable merchants. For the best prices on Wind Dancers I recommend LookAGiftHorse.com
Yes, Yes they do. I went last year and I'm going this year . They had a big booth for breyers and have rare ones.
you can buy the newest models at breyerhorses.com. you can also buy them from various places online, just Google breyer horses. eBay and MHSP are places to buy from private sellers. Hope this helps.
Breyer horses are model horses, normally made out of a combination of plastic and resin. Because of the material used to make them, they are extremely fragile.Breyer has been producing model horses since 1950, so 60 years! Each model is hand carved and hand painted (although there are some rumors that they are switching to machine painted). Because of the extreme realism in their carving (also known as their "mold" to hobbyists), and the quality of their painting, Breyers normally sell for around $50.Breyers, along with mostly any brand of model horse, can be entered in Model Horse Shows; which seperates the Non LSQ (Live Show Quality) models, from the top model horses in the country.See the related links section below to go to Breyer's website, to learn more about the fascinating world of model horses!A collection of horses which are fragile.
They don't sell animals. you can't buy horses on ebay.
There is no need for horses in Singapore other than for horse betting, so there should not be a place which horses are sold.