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Because of the Richter scale's logarithmic properties, a number 5 earthquake is 100 times more severe than a number 3 earthquake.

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Q: How much stronger would a number 5 earthquake be than a number 3 earthquake?
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How much stronger is a 9.0 than a 4.0 of an earthquake?

A LOT stronger. The force of an earthquake is expressed using a log 10 scale of energy. A 5.0 earthquake is 10 times stronger than a 4.0, a 6.0 is 10 times stronger than a 5.0, and so on. 9 is the highest number on the scale, and would be a "Great" earthquake, as opposed to minor, moderate, strong or major. Total destruction of man-made structures, etc.

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How much stronger is 6.6 earthquake than an 8.3 earthquake?

surely you are mistaken, and you mean the other way round?...Go to USGS

How much stronger is a 8.0 earthquake than a 5.0 earthquake?

400 Times ___________________ The above may very well be correct; my understanding is that every whole number up represents about a 10-fold increase in energy of a quake. One would conclude that the quake of rating 8 is 10,000 times stronger than a quake of 4. ___________________ 10,000 times is the correct answer

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Well the 1946 earthquake to my knowledge was 8.0 in magnitude but the 20010 was was only 7.0 so in fact the 1946 earthquake was stronger, but the media coverage may not have been as large which is why people may be under the illusion that the 2010 earthquake was stronger, it is one of the positive consequences of the Internet transmitting information that we can learn about these disasters quicker to send help especially to less economically developed countries.

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The magnitude of an earthquake is a number used to quantify how much energy was released during the earthquake. The earthquake in Japan that occurred on Friday, March 10, 2011, had a moment magnitude of 8.9.

What are the example of objective?

Objective information is a type of information that is not caused or biased by an individual's perspective. For instance, geologists measure earthquakes using a seismograph. The seismograph takes an objective reading of an earthquake and assigns it a number. This reading also gives the duration. An individual who has felt the earthquake may insist that he earthquake was much longer or stronger than the measurement. The individual's experience is subjective. The measurement is objective.