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Q: How much time does it take the cheetah to travel 500 meters if its average speed is 70 meters per second?
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The top speeed of a cheetah is about 70 miles per hour. At this speed how many meters will a cheetah travel in 1 second?

At 70 miles per hour a cheetah is covering 31.3 meters every second.

How fast does sound travel in a solid?

6420.4 Meters a second on average.

How fast does sound travel through solids?

6420 Meters a second on average.

How fast can a cheetah travel in meters squared?

This does not make sense. Meters squared is a unit of area, not distance.

How much time is required for a bicycle to travel 100 meters at an average distance of 2 meters per second?

approx. 50 seconds

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How fast does theRadio waves travel?

Radio waves travel at the speed of light 300 Million meters/second, 300e6 meters/second

How far will you travel in 30 seconds accelerating from rest at 1 meter per second per second?

-- Your speed after 30 seconds will be 30 meters per second.-- Since your acceleration is constant, your average speed during the 30 secondsis the average of your initial and final speed . . . 15 meters per second.-- The distance you cover is your average speed for 30 seconds = 15 x 30 = 450 meters.

How many meters per second does sound travel?

340.29 meters per second at sea level.

Distance in meters that light travels in one second?

In a vacuum, light will travel 299,792,458 meters in one second.

How does light energy travel?

299,792,458 meters/second

How far in meters will you travel in 4 minutes running at a rate of 6 meters per second?

(6 meters/second) x (4 minutes) x (60 second/minute) = 1,440 meters