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Q: How the title of nayantara sahgal's martand is significant?
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What is the significant of the title?

The title is important because it gives an overview of the content of the subject. It makes it easy to choose relevant reading materials.

Why is is significant that Octavian did not take the title of dictator?

because he was the first actual ruler

Why is it significant that Octavian did not take the title of dictator?

because he was the first actual ruler

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Adoniran Jusdson holds the first Protestant missionary title. He is remembered for the first significant missionary in Burma.

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AutoSum has nothing to do with column width or a worksheet title, so nothing significant.

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the title "beast in the water" is significant because in that chapter the boys think and discuss that the beast could have come from the sea.

Can you change your blog title?

Most blogs allow you to change the blog title. You should consider the SEO (search engine optimization) implications, since the title is a significant tool for search engines.

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What does the title Waiting for Godot signifies?

Remove the last two letters and it becomes Waiting for God. This play has a sustained allusion to God through Godot, which is why the title is significant.

What is the title's significance to the developments in the story?

The title is not always significant to the development. Some story titles are just there to entice you to read further. Some give a little hint as to the development. And some use a quote from the book as the title.

Why is the title Waiting for Godot significant?

The title is significant because the play is absurdist, so the characters in Waiting for Godot spend the entire play waiting for a character who never comes - and the fact that the point of the entire play is this pointless waiting is central to the absurdism of the play and of the absurdist movement.

How is the title of the movie is significant to the movie The Shawshank Redemption?

It give you an imagine that someone will get revenge for what happened to them in Shawshank prison.