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Q: How was the ethnic mix of colonial New York different from that of colonial New England?
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How did colonial new york get its name?

Colonial New York was named after the King of England's brother, the Duke of York.

Was colonial New York democratic?

No. It was governed by England.

What were the different religious groups in colonial New York?

Church of England and Dutch Reformed but that base spread as immigration increased.

What are some of the religions in colonial New York?

Many different types such as, Puritans, people from the church of england, Catolics, and other types of Christians.

What were some ethnic groups of colonial New York?

There were Scots, Englishmen, Dutch, Germans, and Irish. They really didn't care but i think they were all Europeans.

Who settled colonial New York?

suzie manlock was the first woman to settle New York. She then went to battle with new England and lost and New York then became under the rule of new England.

How were people different in colonial New York?

Guys were different because of customs and races

What were women's roles in colonial New York?

Women's roles in Colonial New York were very different than their English counterparts. The women of colonial New York were Dutch and were able to work, run businesses, and own property.

What was the main city in New England colonies during colonial times?

New York was the main city.

What were the New England colonies famous for?

In the stories of colonial New York by Washington Irving, colonial New York had apple orchards. New York City in colonial times had mills to grind flour and iron to make plows. Farms in the area grew flax and hemp.

How was government in new England different from that in New York?

One way that they are different is that the word New England is different than the word New York.

What happened to many of the goods and services produced in colonial New York?

They were sold there and some were shipped to other colonies or sold in England.