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Q: How would quarter past four in the afternoon be show on a 24 hour digital clock?
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How would quarter to five in the afternoon be shown on a twenty four hour digital clock?

It would be 17:45

How would quarter to five in the afternoon be shown on a twenty-four-hour digital clock?


How would quarter to four in the afternoon be shown on a twenty four hour digital clock?


How would quarter past four in the afternoon be shown on a twenty -four hour on a digital clock?

Quarter past four in the afternoon is the same as 4:15 pm.On a digital clock it could be shown as 4:15 with a pm indicator or 16:15On a 24 hour clock it would always be shown as 16:15

What would quarter past four be in 24 hour clock?

Quarter past four in the morning would be 04:15 hours.Quarter past four in the afternoon would be 16:15 hours.

What time is 10 minutes to 3?

At 10 minutes to 3, a digital clock would show 2:50. Or, if it's a 24 hour clock and it's 10 minutes to 3 in the afternoon, it would display 14:50.

How many minutes to the hour is it if it is quarter of the hour?

15 minutes. Each hour can be broken down into 4 quarters. 15 minutes after the hour is "a quarter past," and 15 minutes before the hour is "a quarter to." A On an digital clock, this would read (for example) 1:45 and it would be " a quarter to 2"

How would quarter past seven in the evening be shown on a twenty-four hour digital clock?

i need someone to answer me cause that was the question i asked so how would i know stupid people!

What is the time a quarter after one in the afternoon?

15 minutes is a quarter (60 minutes in an hour) so the answer would be 1:15 pm. (pm. is afternoon and am. is morning just in case)

What is summary of the clock?

I think you have not asked a complete question. A clock is a clock is a clock, either digital or with a conventional clock face. How would anyone summarise that?

What is ten minutes to nine in digital clock?

Ten minutes to nine on digital clock would be the same as saying it is Eight Fifty.

What time will it be midnight on a digital clock?

It would be 12:00