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The answer depends on what information you have been provided with. If you have only the linear dimensions then it is: Length * Breadth * Height

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Q: How would you calculate the volume of a rectangular block?
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How would you find the volume of blocks?

Volume of a rectangular block is: length*width*height. Use consistent units.

What measurements and what calculations would you make to find the density of the wood in a rectangular block?


What would be the most useful for measuring the mass and volume of a rectangular block?

a balance and a metric ruler.

What is the volume of this rectangular solid if each block is a one inch cube?

It would be equal to the number of blocks in cubic inches.

How do you measure the density of a block?

Weigh the blockcalculate the volume of the block. This is done by measuring the length, height, and width of the block if it is rectangular. If it is some other shape then other mathematical formula apply. If it is an irregular shape for which no formula exists then you can estimate the volume by incremental methods or by displacement.divide weight by volume.

Which two pieces of lab equipment would be most useful for measuring the mass and volume of a rectangular block?

Jenna Delaney Zeider

What is the volume of block of ice measuring 3 meters long 1.5 meters wide and 2 meters high?

The equation for the volume of a rectangular prism (such as a block of ice) is height times width times depth. That would make the volume of this block of ice is 9 meters cubed.

The formula for calculating the volume of a rectangular wet well is?

In order to calculate the volume of a rectangular wet wall, one would first measure the wall's length, width, and depth. Then, one would plug the measurements into this formula: length x width x height.

What would be the length x width x height volume of a block of cheese in a rectangular shape be?

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How do you calculate volume of a rectangular solid?

volume basically is area, so it would be length*height*width. Convert the answer to whatever you want from there, e.g. 1 m3 = 1000 L.

What happens to the volume of a rectangular prism if you double the height?

The volume of a rectangular prism would double if you double the height.

How do you find the volume of a trapezoidal pedestal?

If it is a rectangular trapezoidal pedestal: Calculate the area of the base of the pedestal, multiply by the height of the pedestal. If the angles of the pedestal are not 90deg.. i.e. if it is a pyramidal trapezoidal pedestal. Then calculate the volume as you normally would a rectangular trapezoidal pedestal, and subtract the volume of the missing triangular pieces with the formula 1/3 area of base X height.