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Q: How would you describe the relationship between the distributive property and division?
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Does the distributive property always work for division?

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Is distributive property a multiplication or division word?

multiplication: the opposite (division) property is factoring

What is an example of distibutive property?

We cannot describe distributive property via

What is the properties of division?

division does not satisfy distributive property eg:- a+(b/c) not=a/b+a/c

What is distributive property of division?

(a+b)/c = a/c + b/c

How do you describe to find a quotient using sets of addends?

you use distributive property, basically adding muliplt numbers to find the quotient. quotient being the answer to a division problem.

How do use distributive property with division?

To be picky, the distributive property is about multiplication, but division is defined in terms of multiplication, so your question can be answered!Say you have (6xy+15y)/(3y). The distributive property will say this is equal to 6xy/3y + 15y/3y = 2x + 5.Notice that the "/3y" has been distributed onto each term inside the parentheses.

What is the distibutive property mean?

The distributive property is a property that relates to two binary operations and operates over a set.According to the distributive property of multiplication over division, if a, b and c are three elements of a set S, thena*(b + c) = a*b+a*cMultiplication is also distributive over subtraction.

What is the distributive property of 2k plus 10?

2k + 10 is an expression. The distributive property is a property of one binary operation (typically multiplication, or right-division) over another (addition or subtraction) for elements of a set (numbers); not a property of expressions.

What is the distributive property of multiplication for 8x6?

6x8 distributive property

What is the distributive property for 46 and 69?

The distributive property is a characteristic that two mathematical operators may have. Numbers do not have a distributive property.

What is the distributive property of 89?

Numbers do not have a distributive property. The distributive property is an attribute of one arithmetical operation over another. The main example is the distributive property of multiplication over addition.