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Q: How would you round 8.4 to the nearest ones?
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Round 84 to tge nearest ten?

The number 84 rounded to the nearest 10 is going to be 80.

Round 84 to the nearest hundred?


How to round to the nearest whole number 83.7326?

It's nearer 84 than 83, so 84 is the answer.

What is 83.8 rounded to?

It depends on the level to which you wish to round. To the nearest unit: 84 To the nearest thousand: 0

What do you round 84 to the nearest ten?

It ends in 4, so it rounds down to 80.

How the round 84and22 to the nearest hundred?

84 rounds up to 100. 22 rounds down to zero.

What is 84.2458 rounded?

This depends what you are rounding by. To the nearest whole number it would be 84.

What is 84.1 rounded to the nearest whole?


84 as an decimal to the nearest tenth?

Since 84 is an integer, it is already rounded to its nearest fractional part.

What is 83.798 rounded to the nearest whole number?

83.798 rounded to the nearest whole number is 84.

What is 45 plus 39 rounding?

45 + 39 = 84, so if you want to round to the nearest ten, that's 80, or nearest hundred is 100. Otherwise, it doesn't turn out to a decimal, so it doesn't need rounding to the nearest one.

How many people can sit at a 84 round?

672 members can sit in 84 round table