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The answer will depend on what "this graph" is!

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Q: How would you show a bar with height 13 on this graph?
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What would be the most effective type of graph to show quantity?

I would think a bar graph or column graph would be best for this.

What graph would you use to show monthly temperature for the year?

You can use a bar graph or a line graph.

What is the range of distribution in a bar graph?

The height of the highest bar minus the height of the lowest bar.

What does a bar graph compare?

A bar graph compares the height of the bar to the amount represented.

Would a line graph or bar graph be better for showing the number of birds of each color in a population?

a bar graph because the line graph shows something in a period of time. Also a bar graph would show the number of birds and the color of them at the time while a line graph would show only the number of birds and the time.

Would a line graph or a bar be better for showing the number of birds of each color in a population?

a bar graph because the line graph shows something in a period of time. Also a bar graph would show the number of birds and the color of them at the time while a line graph would show only the number of birds and the time.

What is the difference between a picture graph and a bar graph?

a picture graph uses pictures to show the point and bar graph use bar lines to show the point.

How do you work out the range from a bar graph?

It is the height of the tallest bar minus the height of the shortest.

What would be more appropriate to show temperature a bar or line graph?

Usually a bar graph would be better in this situation. If the temperature is shown over time, a line graph would be better.

Which graph would best show what percent of you class wears glasses?

any of these graphs would be it: bar graph line graph circle graph

Which type of graph would you use to show the number of pages in each book on the shelf and what graph?

bar graph

What kind of graph would you use to show the ages of kids in a class room?

A bar graph or histogram would be suitable to show the distribution of ages of kids in a classroom. Each bar or column would represent a specific age group, making it easy to compare the different age ranges within the class.