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Q: How would you write a decimal that is less than 5 ten thousandth?
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What three numbers can be written as a decimal but less than one-thousandth?

Write a decimal point, and then write three zeros after it.Now, anything you write after the three zeros, no matter how many digits andno matter how large or small they are, forms a number written as a decimal thatis less than one thousandth.There are an infinite number of them. Here are three:0.00010.00097625940.00000000000008

What three numbers can be written as a decimal but less than one thousandth?


How would you write a decimal less than ten-thousandths?


Round 178.8666 by the nearest thousandth?

okay so the number is 178.8666. where is the thousandth spot you may ask? it would be after the decimal, but where? well the first spot after the decimal (8) is the tenths. the second place (6) is the hundredth. the third place (6) is the thousandth.Great! we found the thousandth spot. next, is the number after the thousandth spot a) greater than 4 or b) less than 4? if the number is greater than 4, you add one number to the thousandth spot (the number would then be 178.867). if the number is 4 or less, you leave the thousandth number the same (the number would then be 178.866).wow! you just learned how to round! wasn't that a first grade tool?

How would you write a decimal less than 5 ten thousandths?


How would you write a decimal that is less than 5 ten-thousandths?


How would you write a decimal that os less than 5 ten thousandths?


How do you write a decimal when it's under five?

The same as any other decimal number except that the value before the decimal place would be less than 5.

112.456789 to the thousandths place.?

The thousandth place in a decimal would be the 3rd number after the decimal point. For this number, you would round to 112.457 because if the next number is 5 or greater, you will round up. If the next number is less than 5, the number in the thousandths place would remain unchanged.

How do you round 7.1385 to the nearest thousandth?

the 1/1000 column is the third after the decimal. Look at the fourth number after decimal. If 5 or greater, round up the thousandth column to next higher number; if less than five, keep it the same. Since the fouth number after decimal is 5, round up to 7.139

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How would you write a decimal that is less than 5 thousandths?

The answer will depend on what on earth you mean by "5 yeh thousandths".