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Cube Volume = X3

The height would have to equal X

All you would do is Volume/Height.

Thus, you would get x3/X = X2

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Q: How you can find the base area of a cube given its height and its volume?
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Multiply the base area by the height.

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Presumably it's a cone or a pyramid: 1/3*base area*height = volume Make the base area the subject of the formula: base area = (volume*3)/height

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Find the area of the base and divide by the volume and that should give you the height.

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Volume = Base Area * Height So Height = Volume/Base Area

How do you find the volume of a rectangular prism given only the height?

You don't. You need the height and the area of the base to find the volume.

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Volume of a rectangular prism is equal to the base area x height. (V=BxH or Volume = Base Area * Height) To get the base area, simply divide the volume by the height. (B=V/H or Base Area = Volume / Height)

How do you calculate the base area if the volume and the height are given?

The answer will depend on the shape that you are considering.

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Multiply the base*height*width.

How can you find the base area if you know the volume and height?

Volume = base area x height so Base area = Volume / height. For example, if the volume is 10cm3 and the height is 2cm, 10/2=5, the base area must be 5cm2.

How do you find the base area of a triangular prism if you already have the volume and the height?

Volume = 1/3 * Base area * Height So Base area = 3 * Volume / Height