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Q: I am a 3- digit odd number greater than 800. My Ten Digit is 2 less than my ones digit. I am divisible by 3 but not 5. The sum of digits is 12. What number am I?
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I am a 3 digit number divisible by 7 but not 2 the sum of my digits is 4 what number am I

What six digit number is only divisible by two?

There is no number, no matter the number of digits, that is only divisible by 2.

How is a number divisible by 8?

If the number formed by the last three digits is divisible by 8. This requires that: if the digit in the hundreds place is even, the last two digits must form a number divisible by 8 and if the digit in the hundreds place is odd, the last two digits must form a number divisible by 4 but not by 8.

When is a number divisible by 18?

When its digital root is 9 (divisible by 9) and it is even (divisible by 2). The digital root of a number is calculated by adding up all the digits in a number. If the answer is greater than 9, then repeat until you get an answer that is a single digit.

What digits divisible by 4?

4 and all of its multiples are divisible by 4. They end in even digits. No number that ends in an odd digit is divisible by 4.

When a 3-digit number has the same digits it is divisible by 11?


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Which is greater the greatest whole number with 4 digits or the least whole number with 5 digits?

Any 5-digit number is greater than a 4-digit one.

What is the rule for a number that is divisible by 4?

If the last two digits are divisible by 4 then the number is divisible by 4. Thus, if the tens digit is even and the units digit is 0 or 4 or 8 OR if the tens digit is odd and the units digit is 2 or 6 then the number is divisible by 4.

What four digit number is divisible by 123456789 with a remainder of one?

A number divisible by 123456789 must be 0 or bigger than 123456789. It must, therefore have 1 digit or 9 digits (or more). A remainder of 1 makes no difference to the number of digits. In any case, there can be no number of 4 digits that is divisible by 123456789.

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the answer is 95

Why is any 2 digit number with 2 identical digits divisible by 11?

The 2-digit multiples of 11 all have identical digits.