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It depends on the working hours per day. If it is 8 hours per day then it is 720 dollars.

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Q: I make 9 dollars an hour for a private ambulance company and work ten days a month how much is that supposed to be?
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Which insurance company will ambulance cover?

Normal medical care usually doesn't cover the cost for ambulance. It is important to check with any local or national private insurance company if they cover ambulance fees or not, as some people who opt for private insurance assume the ambulance is also covered, but later discover the opposite.

What does ambuline mean?

Private ambulance company based in the West Midlands UK

What charges are included in ambulance service?

The charges they charge are the ambulance ride to the hospital, the oxygen, any medicine they give you. Private business that charge for the occupancy of the ambulance.

Is it possible to start your own ambulance service?

It is possible to start a private ambulance service, and work on contract often with the local or national government. Depending on the country where the ambulance service will be located, laws may vary.

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Answer #1 by Ginezumi An ambulance carries a sick person to the hospital. It may be the vehicle of a private company that provides emergency medical services and transport. Or it may be the vehicle of a local governmental agency. In terms of government, the service may be staffed by paid personnel or volunteers. Answer #2 An ambulance.

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Currently its illegal to remove such a device, your supposed to pay your fine and then get it removed by the company, but the legality of such clamping practices and the intentions of such private companies has been called into question recently in the UK.

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Private services generally charge more than the hospital services.

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