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nbvhfvnkjfsdbvyhfndjvnbfyuv r = 4

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Q: If A chord twenty four inches long is five inches from the center of a circle what is the radius?
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If a circle circumference is twenty five inches then what is the radius?

A circle with a circumference of 25 inches has a radius of about 3.979 inches.

Circumference of circle with twenty four cm radius?

A circle with a radius of 24 cm has a circumference of 150.8 cm

What is the area of a circle if the radius is twenty-one?

A circle with a radius of 21 units has an area of 1,385.44 square units.

To the nearest hundredth what is the circumference of a circle with a radius twenty two?


What is the radius of a circle with a diameter of twenty?

10 (r = d/2)

If the diameter of a bicycle tire is twenty four inches What is the radius of a tire?

12 inches

How do you find the radius of a circle when the circumference of the circle is twenty four pi?

circumference = 2 x π x radius ⇒ radius = circumference ÷ (2π) = 24π ÷ 2π = 12 units.

What is the volume of a cone with the radius of twelve inches and a height of twenty inches?

Volume = 3,015.92895 in3

What is the circumference of a twenty inch diameter circle?

circumference = 2 * pi * r ----> pi is a constant in this case circumference = 2 * 3.142 * 10 ------> radius is 1/2 of a diameter So, circumference of this circle is 62.84 inches

If the area of a circle is about twenty-eight square inches what is the diameter?

If the area of a circle is about 28 square inches the diameter is: about six inches (5.971).

What is the area of a circle whose radius is twenty meters?

It is 1256.6 sq metres, approx.

How long is the radius of the circle if the diameter is twenty eight yards?

do 80 times 28 and u will get your answer